How many security guards to have at your event?
During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, many events were forced to stop or move online. However, now the threat of coronavirus has begun to subside many of these events have started to return. If you are launching a brand-new event however, you may be wondering about the security implications of such an event, and in particular how many security guards to have.
Here in this article, we will give you some of our top tips to keep your guests safe whilst still allowing them to enjoy the experience of being out again.
Factors to Consider When Determining the Number of Security Guards
If you search the question how many security guards you will need, you will often find the answer varies with vague generalisations such as 1 security staff per 10 guests or 1 per 100. The truth is the answer to this question is far more complicated than that and there is a wide range of things to consider, including:
The venue
Will the event be taking place indoors/outdoors etc, will alcohol be served and the licences of the venue itself. Also if the event takes place in a high-crime area then you may need more security as a result.
The nature of the event
For example, a football match between two teams with a local rivalry may mean the fans get more passionate and therefore more aggressive and likely to resort to violence than a corporate event. You will also need to consider the role security may play at your event e.g. at a sporting event or concert the security team may be involved in crowd control to a degree whereas a corporate event will be more restricting people’s access to private areas or areas which could be unsafe.
The number of people likely to attend
Also if these people may be vulnerable e.g. elderly, very young or disabled. This also ties in with the nature of the event and whether you may need more security staff in the instance of an evacuation.
Special Requirements
If your event requires additional security measures such as bag and people searches or metal detectors then you may need more security to manage this as a result.
The current threat level
The threat level is defined by the UK government as the risk of a likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring in the UK, the higher this is the greater the risk of terrorist attacks impacting your event. There are five levels from low to critical and at the time of writing (February 2023) the UK national threat is substantial meaning an attack is likely.
Assessing your events security needs
All of the above factors will need to be taken into consideration to evaluate your security needs which will be different on a case by case basis.
For example, a small event taking place in a private home for 50 guests may only require one security guard to assist with access, first-aid and evacuation should a fire occur. A security guard can also deter opportunist thieves or gate crashers from entering your event. However a town hall event with 50 guests may require 1 security guard for each 10 guests, dependent on the Health and Safety and/or licence requirements of that building. Bigger events such as concerts or football matches may require even more security staff at the levels of 1 per 100 guests.
You should establish your venue as soon as possible in the planning as this will help you to know your security guard requirements. It is also worth knowing early on if the venue can sell alcohol and has a licence under the Licensing Act 2003 as this licence may also dictate how many guards are required.
Larger events may also require a Health and Safety executive to assess the venue and state how many guards are required who will liaise with your chosen security company to decide on the amount required. Some events may also involve the police and medical services as well in the pre-planning stage to cover aspects of Health and Safety such as crowd control and traffic management in the immediate vicinity of the venue.
In conclusion, having the appropriate number of security guards at your event is crucial to maintain the safety and security of attendees. By considering your event’s security needs in the early stages and the factors listed above, you can determine the number of security guards required. At Pro-Guard Security we have many years’ experience of providing event security, ensuring the operation runs smoothly and the event without trouble.
If you would like to speak to us about our event security services and how we can assist you in this area, or to book a consultation, please feel free to call us on 01922 214 861 or fill in our contact form and a member of our friendly team will be happy to assist you.